Anyone wishing to book a Baptism service can discuss this following the 11am Sunday service.
We welcome anyone who wishes to be baptised at St Mark’s. If you live outside our parish but would still wish to have your child baptised here, that is fine but it is polite to inform your local church of your intentions.
The Baptism Service lasts about 20 minutes and includes the blessing of water and the giving of a lighted candle.
It is usually held on the second and fourth Sundays at 1 pm.
There are no ‘rules’ as to how many godparents there should be, tradition has three, two of the same sex as the child and one of the opposite, but within reason, there is no limit.
Godparents are required to be baptised themselves and to be legal adults.
If someone you would like to be a godparent who is not baptised or who would not be happy making the promises during the service, they can easily be a ‘sponsor’, which makes them part of the ceremony.
There is no charge for the service but donations to church funds are always very welcome.
There is a plate at the back of the church for this as well as gift aid envelopes. (It means we can claim back the tax on your donation.)
Please note: Baptisms are usually booked after the main Sunday morning service and cannot be arranged over the telephone or by email
Here is a copy of the promises the godparents make.
If you would like to share them with the godparents you have chosen this would be very helpful both during the service and to them as well.
In baptism, God calls us to new life.
We die with Christ to all that destroys,
and rise to live with him forever.
Therefore I ask:
Do you reject evil?
All: I reject evil.
Do you turn to Christ?
All: I turn to Christ.
And put your trust in him?
All: And put my trust in him.
And promise to follow him?
All: And promise to follow him.
Let us affirm, together with those who are being baptised, our common faith in Jesus Christ.
Do you believe and trust in God the Father, the source of all being and life, the one for whom we exist?
All: I believe and trust in him.
Do you believe and trust in God the Son, who took our human nature, died for us and rose again?
All: I believe and trust in him.
Do you believe and trust in God the Holy Spirit, who gives life to the people of God
and makes Christ known in the world?
All: I believe and trust in him.
This is the faith of the Church.
All: This is our faith.
We believe and trust in one God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit