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St Mark's Church is in the Parish of Worsley, part of the Diocese of Manchester.


Our Team is made up of 4 churches; St Mark's in Worsley, St Mary's in Ellenbrook and St Andrew's in Boothstown and a Mission Partnership with Holy Rood Swinton.

Join us at Saint Mark's this Christmas, find out more here.

Services at St Mark's

Sunday Services:

8.00 am - Holy Communion

A quiet, said service following the Book of Common Prayer

11 am - Parish Communion

(& Children's Church during term time)

A Choral Service using Common Worship order 1 Traditional Language with hymns, psalm, sermon, anthem, and a musical setting

6.30 pm - Evening Prayer (Currently in abeyance)

Usually sung with a full Choral Evensong on the last Sunday of the month

9.30 am - Tiny Church 

(Second and Fourth Sundays)

A short 20-minute service aimed at young families

9.30 am - Mini Matins

(First and Third Sundays)

A child-friendly 30-minute service with songs, prayers, and bible story 

Weekday Services:

Tuesdays at 9.30 am - Holy Communion  

Said service in the Ellesmere Chapel to which everyone is welcome


Last Monday of the month, 7 pm - Compline - 

A short evening service in the Ellesmere Chapel


Supporting St Marks:

In these uncertain times, we must try to keep the church on a sound financial footing so that we can be here to serve the community even when the building itself is not open. We still also need to maintain the fabric of such a historic building.


Find out HERE how you can make a donation to St Mark's church through a variety of easy ways.

We Worship God

Look to find details of Church Services at which you will be most welcome

Nurture Believers

There are various opportunities for church members and enquirers who would like to know more about the Christian Faith, and we run Confirmation courses each year for both children and adults


Serve the Community

Through the ministry of the whole church, we seek to serve the Worsley, Ellenbrook and Boothstown community. View details of the numerous and wide-ranging Church Groups and sample the Children and Youth Work which is carried out. You're sure to find something to be part of!

Booking Services

For any queries about wedding and baptism services at St Mark's, please join us at our 11 am Sunday service, where our team will be available to discuss arrangements following the service. 

For more information and guidance on funerals, graves and ashes please get in touch with the Verger, Mr Roy Farnell on 0161 790 5597.

Safeguarding is important to all our churches in the Worsley Parish. We aim to create safe environments, where children and young people are nurtured and protected; and where all people, and especially those who may be vulnerable for any reason, are able to worship and pursue their faith journey with encouragement and in safety. For more information and contacts please see our safeguarding page.

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